TBOTH > 2009 Open Hockey

2009 Open Hockey

2009 Open Hockey Info

March Ice:

3/10/2009 10:10pm Pagel Arena 3/16/2009- 10:10pm Pagel Arena 3/24/2009- 10:10pm Pagel Arena 3/31/2009- 10:10pm Pagel Arena
Dan Charbonneau (pd)
Jon Bakken (pd)
Jim Pichler (pd)
Keith Pichelman (pd)
TJ McNeill? (pd)
Andy Glenn (pd)
Tim Miller (pd)
Brent Shiely (pd+)
Kevin Johnson (pd)
Dain Charbonneau (pd)
Roger Whitman (G)
Devon Whitman (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $110
TOTAL: -$60
Dan Charbonneau (pd)
Dain Charbonneau (pd)
Jon Bakken (pd)
Kevin Johnson (pd)
Dave Johnson (pd)
Paul Wallerich (pd+)
Bob Strawman (pd)
Keith Pichelman (pd+)
TJ McNeill? (pd)
Jason Barry (pd)
Pat Ward (pd+)
Tim Miller (pd)
Andy Glenn (pd)
Dave Anders (pd)
Friend 1 (pd)
Friend 2 (pd)
Kevin Pichelman (G)
Jeff Cannon (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $185
TOTAL: $15
Dan Charbonneau (pd)
Jon Bakken(pd)
Pat Ward
Brent Shiely (pd)
Paul Wallerich (pd)
Dain Charbonneau
Keith Pichelman (pd)
Kevin Johnson (pd)
Shawn Barth (pd)
Bob Strawman (pd)
Dave Johnson (pd)
Eric (pd)
Ben (pd)
Rhett (pd)
Jason Barry (pd)
TJ McNeil? (pd)
Andy Glenn (pd)
Tim Miller (pd+)
Josh Woodbeck (pd)
Roger Whitman (G)
Devon Whitman (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $170
Dan Charbonneau
Shawn Barth (pd)
Brent Shiely
Paul Wallerich
Dain Charbonneau
Bob Strawman
Dave Johnson
Jon Bakken
Andy Glenn
TJ McNutts?
Kevin Pichelman (G)
Jeff Cannon (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $0

February Ice:

2/03/2009 10:20pm Pagel Arena 2/10/2009- 10:10pm Pagel Arena 2/17/2009- 10:10pm Pagel Arena 2/24/2009- 10:10pm Pagel Arena
Keith Pichelman (pd)
Ron McCormick? (pd)
Shawn Barth (pd)
Dave Johnson (pd)
Jim Knutson (pd)
Dan Charbonneau (pd)
Dain Charbonneau (pd)
TJ McNeil? (pd)
TJ McNeil? Friend (pd)
Bruce Peterson (pd)
Bob Strawman (pd)
Paul Wallerich (pd)
Kevin Johnson (pd)
Andy Glenn (pd)
Jim Pichler (pd)
Brent Shiely (pd)
James McGreevy? (pd)
Roger Whitman (G)
Devon Whitman (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $170
Dan Charbonneau (pd)
Paul Wallerich (pd)
Brent Shiely (pd)
Keith Pichelman (pd)
Shawn Barth (pd)
Jon Bakken (pd)
Dave Johnson (pd)
Patrick Ward (pd)
Brandt Jorgensen (pd)
Jim Knutson (pd)
Dain Charbonneau (pd)
Jim Pichler (pd)
TJ McNeil? (pd)
Andy Glenn (pd)
Bob Strawman (pd)
James McGreevy? (pd)
Tim Miller (pd)
Josh Woodbeck (pd)
Erik (pd)
Roger Whitman (G)
Devon Whitman (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $190
TOTAL: +$20
Dan Charbonneau (pd)
Brent Shiely (pd)
Patrick Ward (pd)
Dave Johnson (pd)
Brandt Jorgensen (pd)
Keith Pichelman (pd)
Kevin Johnson (pd)
Bob Strawman (pd)
Andy Glenn (pd)
TJ McNeil? (pd)
Dain Charbonneau (pd)
Jim Pichler (pd)
Shawn Barth (pd)
Jon Bakken (pd)
James McGreevy? (pd)
Tim Miller (pd)
Josh Woodbeck (pd)
Jim Knutson (pd)
Roger Whitman (G)
Kevin Pichelman (G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $180
TOTAL: +$10
Brent Shiely (pd)
Paul Wallerich (pd)
Jon Bakken (pd)
Keith Pichelman (pd)
Pat Ward (pd)
TJ McNeill? (pd)
Tim Miller (pd)
Jim Pichler (pd)
Bob Strawman (pd)
Dain Charbonneau (pd)
Roger Whitman (G)
Dan Charbonneau(G)

Cost: $170
Collected: $141 *Thanks to those that chipped in extra!
TOTAL: -$29

In for March:

Dan Charbonneau
Brent Shiely
Jon Bakken
Keith Pichelman (not the 31st)
Pat Ward (most of march)
TJ McNeill?
Andy Glenn
Tim Miller

The original document is available at http://www.tboth.com/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=2009%20Open%20Hockey